
Alfa, Top Dog, Boss, ID checker

Monty, or Monty Don as he is affectionately nicknamed has claimed the Alpha status in the group and keeps watch over the herd he keeps them safe, always on the look out for tigers and zombies. Monty is a rare jet black colour, Alpacas can come in 22 colour variants and black is among the rarest of these. Monty is a sweet boy and has a very expressive face he loves a neck rub and a selfie. Poo picking is sometimes a challenge as Monty spends half the time kissing my cheek in the hope of a sneaky handful of food, he is a big flirt but is terrified of our resident runner ducks.


Hamish is the oldest in the herd, though only by a few weeks, and he is the sweetest most mild natured boy. Hamish has the best fleece quality and is very crimped, he is a beautiful caramel colour but often looks green as he likes to roll in the moss. Hamish is permanently smiling, if your having a bad day you only have to look at his happy face and you can instantly feel brighter. Hamish is the smallest alpaca in the herd and is a beautiful daydreamer.


Douglas is the baby of the group, has been the shyest of the herd and has taken alot of gentle coaxing to come out of his shell, he is a beautiful white colour though he does enjoy playing in the mud so can often be just as brown as white. Douglas has swiftly become the baby of our families best friend our little girl Everlyn adores him and calls him her baby lamb often sneaking extra food in her pocket for him, as everyone knows the way to a mans heart is through his stomach and he now follows her round when she visits him. During the warmer months he can be found in his favourite spot, the paddling pool and does not like to share it with the rest of the herd, Douglas sometimes surprises visitors by playing a prank on them and dropping 'dead' whilst on a walk, don't worry he soon jumps back up!


The 4th member of our herd was named through a competition, the chosen name being Bruce Bogtrotter after the greedy boy in Matilda who stole the teachers chocolate cake. Bruce is a gentle giant he is the biggest and strongest in the herd and could have easily been the alfa, however all he cares about is food and couldn't care less about the pecking order. he is the boldest, BIGGEST and bravest in the group and also the greediest earning him the interim name of greedy pants. Often found with his head stuck in a feed bucket as he doesn't give you time to dish it into the trough, actually most days he doesn't let me through the gate without putting his head under my arm and stealing food all the way to the trough, its no wonder he is the biggest! Bruce's favourite hobby is kissing visitors at our kissing booth, pucker up!